Johnny DiazView all my offers
Johnny Diaz is a Local Real Estate Professional with over 12 years of experience and hundreds of successful sales. Johnny can help you buy and sell any home in the state of Maryland. Johnny Diaz has held a variety of jobs in the real estate / banking industry for many years which has allowed him to effectively serve and connect with the community. Johnny Diaz knowledge of the area and the ever- changing real estate market allow him to keep his clients on the top of the real estate curve. Johnny Diaz has been a licensed real estate consultant since 2006. In fact, he is consistently ranked as one of the County's top producing Realtors year-in and year-out. Johnny attributes his success not only to hard work and commitment but to a passion for serving people and truly keeping their best interests at heart. Whether you're considering the sale or purchase of real estate, contact Johnny today.
240-498-8690 301-881-9800 Ext 130
Contact Johnny Diaz

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Our experienced professionals can meet any of your real estate needs.

Johnny acted as my real estate agent when listing my house, and I was super satisfied with all of his help throughout the entire process.  Johnny’s experience, knowledge, and abilities made the process very easy to manage on my end.

L. Otmane

Johnny was able to find the perfect home for our family.  No doubt he is one of the best agents in the area.  We are so grateful to him for his dedication and all his hard work!!

Wilver Z.

New Listings by Johnny Diaz, Realtor

10736 Wayfarer Rd
10736 Wayfarer RdGermantown
$680 000
Built: 1987 Area: 3584 Sq Ft
Beds: 6 Baths: 4 Garages: 2
10736 Wayfarer Rd
12106 Cliftondale Dr
12106 Cliftondale DrSilver Spring
Townhome2240 Sq Ft
$549 000
Built: 1982 Area: 2240 Sq Ft
Beds: 4 Baths: 4
12106 Cliftondale Dr
8226 Castanea Ln
8226 Castanea LnRockville
$890 000
Built: 2013 Area: 5136 Sq Ft
Beds: 5 Baths: 5
8226 Castanea Ln
5309 Striped Maple St
5309 Striped Maple StFrederick
$700 000
Built: 2022 Area: 3696 Sq Ft
Beds: 4 Baths: 3
5309 Striped Maple St
23 Cherry Bend Ct
23 Cherry Bend CtGermantown
Townhome2016 Sq Ft
$449 900
Built: 1985 Area: 2016 Sq Ft
Beds: 4 Baths: 4
23 Cherry Bend Ct
7112 Annapolis Rd
7112 Annapolis RdHagerstown
$429 900
Built: 1947 Area: 1782 Sq Ft
Beds: 4 Baths: 3
7112 Annapolis Rd
12100 Birdseye Terr
12100 Birdseye TerrGermantown
Townhome1482 Sq Ft
$319 900
Built: 1984 Area: 1482 Sq Ft
Beds: 2 Baths: 2
12100 Birdseye Terr

Recent Sales by Johnny Diaz

All my offers

10736 Wayfarer Rd
10736 Wayfarer RdGermantown
$680 000
Built: 1987 Area: 3584 Sq Ft
Beds: 6 Baths: 4 Garages: 2
10736 Wayfarer Rd
12106 Cliftondale Dr
12106 Cliftondale DrSilver Spring
Townhome2240 Sq Ft
$549 000
Built: 1982 Area: 2240 Sq Ft
Beds: 4 Baths: 4
12106 Cliftondale Dr
8226 Castanea Ln
8226 Castanea LnRockville
$890 000
Built: 2013 Area: 5136 Sq Ft
Beds: 5 Baths: 5
8226 Castanea Ln
5309 Striped Maple St
5309 Striped Maple StFrederick
$700 000
Built: 2022 Area: 3696 Sq Ft
Beds: 4 Baths: 3
5309 Striped Maple St
23 Cherry Bend Ct
23 Cherry Bend CtGermantown
Townhome2016 Sq Ft
$449 900
Built: 1985 Area: 2016 Sq Ft
Beds: 4 Baths: 4
23 Cherry Bend Ct
7112 Annapolis Rd
7112 Annapolis RdHagerstown
$429 900
Built: 1947 Area: 1782 Sq Ft
Beds: 4 Baths: 3
7112 Annapolis Rd
12100 Birdseye Terr
12100 Birdseye TerrGermantown
Townhome1482 Sq Ft
$319 900
Built: 1984 Area: 1482 Sq Ft
Beds: 2 Baths: 2
12100 Birdseye Terr